- Aconite- Never well since exposure to cold blustery weather. First aid for the eye. First remedy for colds in children.
- Aethsua-Projectile vomiting in children. Intolerance to milk. Devotes entire life to animals;collects pets. Eruptions on the tip of the nose."old looking face".Deep lines from edge of nostril to the corners of the mouth.
- Agaricus-Frostbite.Twitchings or spasms of muscle groups. Extreme fear of cancer. Grimacing of the mouth. Back pain which is worse by sitting.
- Allium Cepa-Hay fever,fluid watery discharges.Lacrimation of the eyes, which is bland, while the nasal discharge is acrid and burning.
- Anacardium-Sensation of being plugged up anywhere in the body.Cure for poison ivy.Irrestible desire to curse.Feels better from eating food.
- Alumina-Severe constipation without the urge.Very dry condition.Cannot be hurried;that causes great distress.Fear of knives.Aggrevation from eating potatoes.
- Antimonium Tartrate-Course rattling in the chest.Cough is wet but non-productive.Weakened state with respiratory comprimise.
- Apis-Swelling. Oedema, Pain that is better cold applications.Thirstless.swelling around the eyes.Herpes Zoster (Shingles) or Poison Ivy of the face.
- Argentum Nitricum-Strong cravings for sugar.Panic attacks. Impulse to jump from a height.Aggrevation from eating sweets.Hoarseness. Frequent loud belching.Obsessive compulsive behavior.
- Arnica Montana-First remedy for physical trauma,falls,injuries,jet lag. Bruised feeling.Concussions.Excellent remedy for birth labor.Post-operation. Consequences of abuse.
- Aurum Metallicum-Headaches,sinusitis and heart disease.Good remedy for suicidal depression.Desire to jump from heights.
- Baptisia- Tonsillitis, influenza with bruised pains, uncomfortable in any position. Serious infections with a drunken look.
- Baryta Carbonica- Delayed mental development in children. Childish behavior at any age. Passivity and shyness. Huge swelling of the tonsils.
- Belladonna- Sudden fevers, reddish look, quick violent changes. Throbbing pains. Thirstless but craves lemonade. Migraines.
- Bellis Perennis- Sprains, bruises and lacerations, contusions. Aggrevated by taking cold drinks when overheated.
- Berberis Vulgaris- Sharp,stitching or colicky pains which radiate out. Pain comes in twitches. Colics and rheumatic complaints.
- Bryonia- Worse any movement, must be left alone in the dark.Left sided headaches. Great thirst.Appendicitis.Pleurisy.
- Cactus Grandiflorous- Violent constricting pains, like a band or wire. Pain in heart as if grasped by an iron fist.
- Calcarea Carbonica- Over worked, overwhelmed, over-burdened. Tendency to be plump,tired. Weak children with weak resistance to infections.
- Calcarea Flourica- Hard growths on the bones,joints and muscular system. Teeth crumble and break easily.
- Calcarea Phosphorica- Peevish, discontented, complaining, never satisfied. School phobias, headaches. Constant boredom.
- Calcarea Sulphurica- Abcess formation on the body.Boils which open and drain a yellowish pus.Severe acne. Jealousy in adults,children.
- Calendula tincture- A topical treatment for wounds,abrasions and incisions. Antiseptic, prevents serious infections.
- Cantheris- Disorders involving mucous membranes, especially in the urinary tract. Burning pains in inflammatory conditions.
- Carbo Veg- Debilitated or collapsed state, mainly on the physical level. Needs fresh air. Feels bloated, tendency to belch. Chilly.
- Causticum- Slow progressive debility and stiffness.Constant desire to clear the throat. Hoarseness. Rheumatic complaints. Arthritis.
- Chamomilla-Irritable infants or children, wants to be carried.One cheek red, one cheek pale. Teething remedy.Colic. Ear infections.
- Chelidonium- Right sided headache, right scapular or shoulder pain. Hepatitis. Gallbladder disorders. Jaundice, worse 4am or 2 pm,4pm.
- China Officinalis- bloated, distended, flatulent, no relief from belching or expelling gas.Fluid loss aggrevates. Gall Bladder colic.
- Cimicifuga- muscular pain in the neck, back and uterus. Sharp and stitching pains. Dysmenorrhea, worse as the flow increases. Rheumatism.
- Cina- For treatment of worms,especially pinworms. Itching rectum. Angry, striking,pinching children. Bores in nose with finger.
- Coccus Cacti-Paroxysms of cough especially in Winter or from exposure to cold. Better drinking cold drinks. Worse 6am and 11pm.
- Coffea Crudum-Uncontrollable thoughts and racing mind.Insomnia. Wakes from the slightest noise. Aggrevation from emotions.
- Colchicum-Gout. Sensitivity to odors causing nausea, vomiting, fainting Morning sickness.Aggrevation from weather changes.
- Colocynthis- Menstrual cramps. Pain better by bending double,by pressure,by lying face down.Right sided sciatica.Neuralgia.
- Conium- Aggrevations from suppression of libido.Tumors or induration of glands. Impotence.Premature e.aculation.
- Cuprum-Tendency to convulsions. Cramps and spasms anywhere. Seizures. Thumbs drawn down and clenched in fists. Severe coughing fits.
- Dioscorea-Severe abdominal cramps, better by bending backwards. Better by sitting upright. Colicky infants who arch their backs.
- Drosera-Violent fits of coughing, cannot catch the breath. Dryness and irritation of throat or larynx. Bronchitis. Writers cramp.
- Dulcamara-Cough or asthma which come on in cold, damp weather. Herpes around the lipsl Aggravation from change of weather. Drafts.
- Eupatorium Perfoliatum-Influenza. Tremendous aching as if the bones were broken. Back pain. High fever preceded by chills worse 7-9 am.
- Euphrasia-Hay fever,colds,with burning eyes, blinking. Bland discharges from the nose. Coughs only during the day. Worse in sunlight.
- Ferrum Phos- High fever ususally 102 degrees F. or higher. No local or individualizing symptoms. Debilitated with vague symptoms.
- Gelsemium - Droopy,drowsy and dumb. Beginning of the Flu. Aches with no thirst. Stage fright. Never well since a flu or mononucleosis.
- Glonoine- Pulsating, busting headaches.Worse from exposure to the Sun. Flushed face.Worse from alcoholic drinks. Hot flashes, Menopausal flush.
- Graphites- Thick unhealthy skin with cracks. Eruptions ooze a thick yellow or honey like fluid. Fissures. Cracks behind the ears.
- Hammamelis-Weak veins,vericose veins. Bleeding hemorrhoids. "Black Eye" or hemorrhage of the eye.Sore bruised sensation.
- Hepar Sulph- Croup worse from exposure.Worse at night.Abscesses. Sore throat with splinter like pains.Ears sensitive to the wind.Yellow mucous anywhere.
- Hydrastis- Thick, ropey discharges from the sinuses. Gastric ulcers.Post-Nasal mucous. Sinusitis.Ear aches.Problems with any part of the G.I. tract.
- Hypericum Perfolatum- Injuries,contusions,lacerations. Punctures to any part of the body rick in nerves.Injuries of the spine with sharp shooting pains.Dental nerve pain. Root canal.
- Ignatia- Ailments after grief, after romantic disappointments. Sighs. Romantic and idealistic. "funeral remedy".Lump in the throat.Insomnia.
- Ipecac- Constant nausea which is incapacitating. Unrelieved by vomiting.Tongue looks clean.Morning sickness.Migraines.
- Iris Versicolor- Migraine headache. Right sided pain centered in the temple or around the eye.Blurred vision before the headache.
- Kali Bichromicum- Nasal or post-nasal discharge which is thick, yellow and stringy. Productive cough with thick green sputum.
- Kali Carbonicum- Difficult respiration, worse lying flat, better sitting upright. Swelling of the eyelids. Worse in general from any problem 2-4 am.
- Kali Iodatum- Recurring sinusitis with pain through the face, especially at the root of the nose. Allergic rhinitis. Pneumonia.
- Kali Nitricum- Asthma, worse at 3 am, must sit up. Severe dyspnoea, unable to drink due to shortness of breath. Warm blooded.
- Kali Phos- Mental fatigue. Headache, worse from mental exertion.Chilly person, worse cold.Chronic fatigue syndrome. Great depletion.
- Kali Sulph- Chronic otitis,Chronic nasal obstruction. Snoring. Better from cold and open air. Wheezing and rattling during sleep.
- Kreosotum- Vaginal, cervical and uterine excoriation, inflammation and hemorrhage. Leukorrhea which causes itching and swelling.
- Lac Caninum- Physical symptoms that go from side to side. Right to left and back again. Sensitivity to noise, light and touch.
- Lachesis- Left sided sore throat, difficulty swallowing, liquids and saliva. Intolerance to tight collars or anything around the neck.
- Ledum- First remedy for insect bites.Specific for Lyme Tick in 1M potency. Once a day for three days, after bite..Rheumatism better by cold and cold applications.
- Lycopodium- Right sided problems or right going to the left.Bloating and distension of the Abdomen. Better by belching and flatus.
- Magnesium Phosphoricum- Cramps during menses, better by warmth and pressure.Writers cramp.Facial neuralgia, right side. Sciatica. Irritability.Colic.
- Mercurius vivus (sol)- Aggravated from both heat and cold. Tongue is imprinted with marks of the teeth.Excessive saliva at night lying in bed.
- Mercurius Iodatus Flavus - Right sided complaints, especially sore throats, earaches, tonsillitis. Right sided neuralgias.
- Mercurius Iodatus Ruber- Left sided complaints, the main remedy for left sided tonsillitis or left sided sore throats.
- Mezereum - Eczema, Psoriasis or other skin disorders of the scalp. Thick crusts on the scalp, which crack and ooze, causing the hair to mat.
- Naja- Angina with radiating pain to the throat, neck, left arm and hand. Violent palpitations, worse from slight exertion.
- Natrum Carbonicum- Milk intolerance. Indigestion, food allergies. Headache from the Sun. Irritable bowel syndrome. Mental dullness.
- Natrum Muriaticum- Ailments from grief and disappointed love. Silent grief. Migraine headaches, worse Sun, worse 10am. Allergies, Insomnia.Salt craving.
- Natrum Phosphoricum- Yellow coating of the tongue, base of tongue, or the throat.Asthma, worse in evenings. Nocturnal seminal emissions.Monastic tendencies.
- Natrum Sulphuricum- Ailments from grief or head injuries.Suicidal states. Diarrhea in the morning after rising. Diabetes mellitus.
- Nitricum Acidum- Irritable and peevish, worse in mornings. Urine has strong odor. Stitching or splinter like pains of the rectum or throat.
- Nux Vomica- Irritable, impatient, ambitious, driven people. Craves stimulants. Influenza with a high fever,violent chills and rigors.
- Petroleum- Dry, cracking skin. Cracks deep and bloody. Dry eczema of the hands. Genital herpes. Diarrhea during daytime.
- Phosphoric Acid- Depressed, apathetic ,forgetful. Mental weakness after a grief. Indifferent, lifeless. Collapse after diarrhea. Hair loss.Alopecia.
- Phosphorous- Open, bright, excitable, suggestable. Anxiety when alone. Nose bleeds, bright red. Big thirst for cold drinks and ice cream.
- Phytolacca- Mastitis, pain on nursing, worse in the left breast, pain radiates to the whole body. Tendonitis, bursitis. Painful dentition.
- Picric Acid- Aggravation or exhaustion from reading or mental exertion. Unable to read or concentrate for more than a few minutes.
- Platinum Metallicum- Haughty, affected, self-absorbed. Needs excitement or drama. Violent impulses. Increased s.x drive.Numbness or cold face.
- Plumbum Metallicum- Drawing, contracting pains. Contractures. Emaciation of paralyzed limbs. Twitching of muscles, tremors, spasms. A.L.S. Muscular dystrophy.
- Podophyllum- Profuse diarrhea, mixed with gas, sputtering, explosive. Weakness or faintness from diarrhea or stool, sinking feeling.
- Pulsatilla Nigrans- Soft, timid, easily influenced. Weeps easily. Feels better by walking slowly in the open air. Earaches. Bland nasal discharge.Malpresentation (baby turned wrong way in the womb).
- Ranunculus Bulbosa- Intercoastal (between the ribs) neuralgia, of the left chest. Herpes Zoster. Rheumatism and stiffness of the neck. Fibrositis.
- Rhododendron- Joint pains, worse before storms and thunderstorms.Any problem brought on by change in air pressure.Pain in testicles,usually right.Better on motion. Pain in heels.
- Rhus Toxicodendron- Progressive stiffness, after a period of restlessness or overuse.Worse on first motion, then relief. Rusty gate syndrome.Low back pain.
- Rumex Crispus- Lingering dry cough that does not clear up. Worse by uncovering or undressing. Worse cold or open air.Itching on undressing.
- Ruta Graveolans- Rheumatic and connective tissue problems. Stiffness.Eyestrain from doing fine work.Injuries to the tendons, from strains or lifting.
- Sabadilla- Hay fever with tremendous sneezing. Continual sneezing. Chilly and worse from the cold.Craves warm drinks.Itching in the nose.
- Sabina- Severe painful menses.Pain begins in the lower back and extends to the pubic area. Feels as if the bones would break open.Good for birth labor.
- Sambucus- Asthma, worse at night and after midnight.Child wakes up at night in a panic with a feeling of suffocation.Snuffling in newborns.
- Sanguinaria- Migraine on the right side,beginning in the neck.Vomiting with headaches.Cough is better with belching or gas. Bursitis, right sided.
- Sarsasparilla- Cystitis with pain at the end of urination.Crack of the hands and soles of the feet. Has to stand to urinate. Dry palms.
- Sepia- Never well since hormonal changes, or birth control pills. No libido. Aversion to touch. P.M.S. Better vigorous exercise or walking.
- Silica- Refined, delicate, sensitive and yielding. Aggravated from suppressed sweat, usually on the feet. Abscesses anywhere on the body.
- Spongia Toasta- Dry cough, sounds like saw going through wood. Cough is usually worse before midnight. Constriction and tickling of the throat.
- Staphysagria- Suppressed anger. Worse from taking an afternoon nap. Styes on the eyelids. Cysitiis from inter-course. Trembling from anger.
- Sulphur- Dirty or indifferent to one's own appearance. Diarrhea, drives them out of bed 5-6 am. Feet burn, must stick them out of the covers. Eczema. Craves beer.Diaper rash.
- Symphytum- A remedy for injuries, mainly fractures. Will help bone reunion. Injuries to periosteum. Trauma to the eye.
- Tabacum- Headache with deathly nausea. Sinking of the stomach.Motion sickness. Atherosclerotic heart disease in tobacco users. Face is pale.
- Thuja- Secretive. Low self esteem. Warts and skin tags and any tumors of the skin. Oily perspiration. Vaccine reactions Runny nose during bowel movement.
- Urtica Urens- Allergic reactions to shellfish. Urticaria with sensitivity and burning. Stinging pains. Gout. Rheumatism.
- Veratrum Album- Delusions of religion and identity. Gastroenteritis with simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea. Cold breath. Cold tongue.
- Wyethia- Specific for hay fever. Tremendous itching in the palate, nose. Must forcibly rub the tongue over the palate to sooth the itching.
- Zincum metallicum- Restlessness, abnormal or involuntary movements, twitches and even convulsions. Restless legs, constantly moves the legs and feet.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Homeopathic First Aid Remedies to have on hand for Acute Conditions
These are all Homeopathic remedies. It is good to start out with a strength of 30c. and the size of the dose is 3 pellets. approximately the size of a garden pea. These are available in all health food stores. For acute conditions take every 15-30 minutes until the slightest relief is felt. If possible no food 30 minutes before and after taking a remedy. Avoid coffee while taking homeopathic remedies, it antidotes the remedy.
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